1. What payment methods are accepted?

Solècharm is happy to offer various payment methods such as: Paypal, Amex, Visa, Mastercard, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Discover.

2. How does shipping work?

Shipping times and methods vary depending on the supplier and the customer's location. Customers can track their orders through our website.

3. What are the shipping costs?

We're excited to offer free shipping on all orders placed through our website. There are no minimum order requirements or hidden charges. The price you see is the price you pay—no additional shipping fees will be added at checkout. Enjoy the convenience of shopping without worrying about extra shipping costs!.

4. Can I cancel or change an order?

Once an order is placed, it's immediately processed by the supplier. Contact us as soon as possible if you need to make changes or cancel an order. However, we cannot guarantee cancellations or modifications once the order has been processed.

5. Do you offer refunds or returns?

We adhere to the return and refund policies of our suppliers. If a product arrives damaged or if there's an issue with the order, please contact our support team within 2 days of receiving the item. We'll assist you in resolving the issue based on the supplier's policy.

6. Are the products authentic?

Absolutely. We pride ourselves on offering only genuine, high-quality items. Each product available on our site undergoes thorough quality checks to ensure authenticity and reliability. Shop with confidence, knowing that every item we sell meets our stringent quality standards.

7. How can I track my order?

Once your order is shipped, you'll receive a confirmation email with a tracking number and a link to track your package. You can also track your order directly on our website by logging into your account and accessing the order status page.

8. Are there any additional fees or charges?

Our pricing includes the product cost, shipping fees, and any taxes at checkout. However, customers might be subject to customs duties or import taxes, depending on their country's regulations. These charges are the responsibility of the customer.

9. How long does it take to produce my customized product?

The production time for your customized product ranges from 2 to 4 business days. This period includes the customization of your item according to your specifications.

10. How long does shipping take?

We are committed to delivering your order promptly. The estimated shipping times are as follows:

  • To the United States: 3-6 business days
  • To Europe: 1-6 business days
  • To the United Kingdom: 3-4 business days

11. Can I contact customer support?

Absolutely! Our customer support team is available to assist you with any questions or concerns. You can reach out to us via email at cubeglow.com@gmail.com or through our contact page on the websit